Friday, December 17, 2010

E71 Nokia With Front Camera

a little dungeon twister:)

a taste for adventure dungeon twister starting in 2011 ... Finally, as soon as I finish the last
pages warh t2 (no hitting, no hitting the editor!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Foot Pinky Is Itchy

Artistic Director of the webseries Dakodak.
Director: Laurence "Baz" Morais & Sebastian Landry
Director of photography: Jean-Philippe Bernier.
Produced by VAN DER LOL.

To view episodes, go


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can You Take Phentermine With Gaviscon

storyboard warh t2

here some roughs pushed to the back pages of warh t2 ... end soon!