Thursday, September 2, 2010

Honeywell Safes Breaking The Locks

I welcome you to CBC.

Quick overview of what awaits you ...

the first half, we will have to understand different subjects. I therefore present to you quickly modules we share together. Taking this opportunity, I give you some ideas related to assessment and outcomes.
  • modules responsibility ( the first half):

communication, writing, speaking.
Esq 110
10 weeks
1.5 h TD
1.5 h TP
project management
Prj 110
5 weeks
1.5 h TD
project staff and / or professional
Prj 130
6 weeks
1.5 h TP

  • assessment :

On all the subjects taught, Assessment will be both written (price record in project) and oral (defenses).

  • results:

Make sure each note upon publication and contact me as soon as possible in case of error.
In case of an absence, the annotation in the table should be HE (excused-e-) and not Abs (for absent-e-which corresponds to an unexcused absence).
In case of a posteriori justification, please let the secretariat (Elodie).

Good luck and see you soon ...


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