Monday, October 18, 2010

Transcend Service Center In Chennai


You must make your case
before FRIDAY 22 OCTOBER to 12:00.
Your file will include all comprehensive
of textual content of your future site.

will therefore be present :
  1. the contents of the homepage (chapeau, 4-7 blocks introductory article)
  2. articles (as , Chapo, heading-s, possibly naming tabs "menu", the link-s-s)
  3. glossary (with link-s)
  4. blocks "referent" (with link-s)
  5. block "other projects"
You will make your work in pdf format Rendu_Com_Projet_Individuel directory on your account. Your file will
single folder.

It will be named as follows: nom_prénom_groupeTP.
Your PDF will be made ready for printing A4 (portrait or landscape).

Let me remind you of your file composition :
  1. title page (first name, last name, group, title, subtitle, target)
  2. tree with arguments
  3. navigation with arguments
  4. intentions graphics (with trend book and possibly model)
  5. the comprehensive set of texts (possibly with the images of contents)

Good luck ...


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