order to finalize the content of the site "social careers,"
I offer a quick reminder on the basics
alternative script for the web.
- techniques from journalism.
- Difficulty reading the screen.
bases of the sentence:
- short => 12 words maximum
- easy => limited to the simplest grammar
(Subject - Verb - Complement)
- direct => active sentence
- present => = present tenses
- clear => precise vocabulary , common, known, living
Basics of the paragraph:
- prioritization
- "Chapo" (grip)
- Structured + General + particular
- 1 § = 1 idea
Basics of Text:
- classified as paragraph
- organized (inverted pyramid)
- structured 5W + 2H
The title
- simple
- Brief
- catch the eye
- title = § content
the heading
- markup information
- keeping the reader's attention - user
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